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In Memory of
Bill Passed Away in January 2004  - We will miss him greatly.
Bill was very instrumental in helping us to get organized and focused on Community goals.
We will always remember him and the contributions he made to the
Critter Park and A Better Choice Foundation

William Le Clere consulted with organizations and individuals to help them change.  He uses organization development, adult education and community analysis and evaluation methods.  Since 1967 he has consulted with private, government and non-profit organizations in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and North America.

Private Sector

  In the United States, Canada and other countries he has helped companies with change management, competency studies, conflict resolution, negotiation, strategic thinking and team development.  He has also trained internal trainers and consultants in a variety of management development efforts – in the aerospace, automobile, communications, computer, consumer product and financial industries. 

  His clients have included AT&T, Compaq Computer, General Electric, General Motors, Lockheed Martin, Procter & Gamble, Shell Canada, and Westinghouse Corporation.  He has also specialized in small business and medium-sized, private enterprise development in several inner-city, urban areas in the United States, and in the Caribbean (Netherlands-Antilles), Ghana, Poland and Saudi Arabia.

Government Sector

In North America Mr. Le Clere has consulted with the U. S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Labor and State.  He has also been a consultant to the U. S. Agency for International Development, Peace Corps, the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.  In Canada he trained senior staff at the Ontario Civil Service Commission.  He helped design leadership training for senior Foreign Service Officers at the Foreign Service Institute.  He was Project Director for a team which developed a government-sponsored, computer-based planning simulation for rural areas in the Eastern United States. 

  Among multi-national organizations he served as an Expert to the UNDP for five years and has consulted to both the IMF and the World Bank.  He also provided organization change consulting and training of trainers and senior leaders with government ministries in Iran, Jamaica, Pakistan and Tanzania. 

Non-Profit and Civil Society

  Mr. Le Clere works extensively with non-profit groups in both domestic and international settings.  Many of his clients are private-voluntary groups working to strengthen civil society both domestically and abroad.  Domestically, he has provided leadership and team development for AARP, Aspen Institute, JHPIEGO of Johns Hopkins University, Save the Children and the Wallace Global Fund.  His clients have focused on building democracy, environmental preservation and reproductive health issues.

  Internationally, he has provided consultation to Southern Partners of several of the above organizations, as well as to Helen Keller International, Opportunities Industrialization Centers International, PLAN International, and World Vision.  He has trained trainers and consultants in Southern Support Organizations from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines and Zambia.  Much of this work has focused on strengthening the capacity, institutional autonomy and financial sustainability of grassroots NGOs.        


Personal Background

  Mr. Le Clere was a Senior Consultant with the Behavioral Science Center of the Sterling Institute, Vice President of McBer & Company and a co-founder and Executive Vice President of LMA, Inc.  He was a founder of the non-profit Institute for Planned Change, a consultant to the Training Resources Group and is now a Senior Associate with the Institute for Development Research in Boston, Massachusetts.

  He completed his undergraduate work at Lehigh University and did his graduate studies at Columbia University and the University of Michigan.  He lives with his wife, Christa, in the Shenandoah Valley in Central Virginia. 

Selected Publications

  -         “An Integrated Approach to Socioeconomic Development,” – Monograph, Sterling Institute Publications, 1970.

  -         “Social Intervention in Curacao,” – with David E. Berlew, Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 1972 .

  -         “Perspectives on Motivation Consulting and Training in Near Asia,” Monograph, Some New Trends for Development, UNIDO, 1974.

  -         “Chaos, Organizations and the Future: Trends in Science and Management.” – Monograph, LMA Publications, 1988

  -         “Interagency Management Improvement Programs for Irrigated Agriculture,” – with Eduardo Batista and Shirley Rish – Annual Research Report, Agricultural Research Service, USDA 1994.

  -         “Using Consultants Effectively,” – with Miriam M. Ritvo – chapter in Managing Change in the Age of Change, NTL, Irwin Publishing, 1995.

  -         “Building Grassroots Citizen’s Organizations,” – with Fernand Vincent – chapter in Sustaining Civil Society: Strategies for Resource Mobilization, CIVICUS, 1997.

  -         “Financial Sustainability Strategies for NGOs,” ed. with John Yanulis – participant’s workbook and consulting modules, Sustainable Development Services Project, the Institute for Development Research, USAID 1999.

Non-Profit and Civil Society References

  These are all client contacts with whom Mr. Le Clere has worked recently and/or is currently working. 

  Don Graybill, Former Director, Organization Development, SAVE (301) 951 7870

  Mark Leach, Sr. Organization Development Consultant, John Snow, Inc. (617) 482 9485

  Noel McIntosh, President & CEO, JHPIEGO Corporation, Inc. (410) 955 8558   

  Additional references from past clients in the private sector and/or from government agencies are available upon request. 



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Last modified: August 04, 2000