A Better Choice Foundation
Providing windows of opportunities to
protect and improve our quality of life

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National Surrogate Visiting Families
Volunteer Network©

Maybe you want to start a chapter in your community

It's a Family and Community Affair©

If you want to make a difference join today!

Send us your name, address, contact information and how you would like to help

If you or some one you know needs someone to visit them in a 
nursing home on a regular basis, or if you would like to 
volunteer your time to visit a person in a nursing home in your area, 
you can join in on the national network of Surrogate Visiting Families Network.

The number of elders that are in a nursing home away from 
family members due to either circumstances 
beyond their control including Medicaid placement is growing.

A Surrogate Visiting Family Volunteer provides friendship, 
comfort and most of all assures that the elder person in the 
nursing home does not feel forgotten or alone. Studies have 
proven that persons in nursing homes that do not have family 
members to visit and also keep a routine presence with the 
nursing home staff can feel and sometimes be 
neglected more often than those that have regular visitors.

The Kaufmann's are dedicated to helping people to 
know how to protect themselves and their loved ones 
with proper planning including helping families 
plan for the care of their loved ones that are in a nursing home.

If you would like more information or would like to
volunteer your time as Surrogate Visiting Family Member 
in your community, please submit your contact information 
below. We will add you to our growing list of 
persons nationally concerned with the care of our elderly 
throughout America... that want to make a difference. 
When it appears that a match can be made, permission
is required before giving your contact information to any persons.

If it's true that we reap what we sow, what better 
seed to sow than to give of ourselves rather than just 
talking about our concerns and doing something that we 
all can do with perhaps just an hour a week, visiting and 
showing an elderly person confined in a nursing home 
that they are not forgotten and that you care.    
A Better Choice Foundation
Providing windows of opportunities to
protect and improve our quality of life

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[Contact] 800 743 6077

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Copyright © 2000 A Better Choice Foundation
Last modified: August 04, 2000