A Better Choice Foundation
Providing a window of opportunities to
protect and improve our quality of life

Getting Back To Basics

We're working on getting grants to help build the Out Back Learning Center in Page County VA.

This project is in the learning and development stage and will continue to be as we
learn more about getting back to the basics of life in many ways.

Learning how to appreciate our people, and others from other lands and and
how we can all learn more from each other about live in a more natural habitat.

How we can help to heal our selves, our lands and relationships with other generations, and cultures.
How we can strive to improve our lifestyle and that of the others,
including also the creatures in our natural habitats - so to strive to keep them around and appreciate them more.

To better understand the world we live in, how to garden, prepare and build structures for a more natural setting.

How we can use technology and what we've learned from the mistakes of others -
to improve our lives - getting back to the basics of life again - and spending more time with our families.

We're currently looking to partner with other people looking to do the same -  including those
around the world wanting to share and learning from each other
using the internet to work together as we develop the outback learning center.

If you are interested in volunteering your expertise,
donate your time, or money you can contact the A Better Choice Foundation @ 540 743 2664

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A Better Choice Foundation
P O Box 669 - Luray, VA  22835
Send mail to bk@shentel.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 A Better Choice Foundation
Last modified: August 04, 2000